KeskiviikkoEvery 8:00 x 4 sets Alternate between A and B A. 21/18 cal row 10 power snatches 52,5/35kg B. 21/18 cal row 10 clean and jerks 52,5/35kg
TiistaiA. 3 sets of: 8 barbell z-press 8 strict pull-up Rest 2:00 between sets B. AMRAP 20: 400m run 30 air-squats 20 push-ups 10 pull-ups
PerjantaiA. Back Squat Build to a heavy single B. 3 rounds for time: 400m run 5 power cleans 100/70kg 20 push-ups
TorstaiA. Bar muscle-up practice B. AMRAP 12: 4 strict handstand push-ups 12 box jump overs 40 double-unders